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Let me answer your question with a story that has been around for years:

One day a man was walking on a beach when he saw another man coming the other way who appeared to be dancing. As he drew nearer he could see the man was not dancing but was gently picking up starfish from the beach and throwing them back into the sea.

"Why are you throwing starfish into the sea?" He asked.

"Because they have been washed ashore, the day is getting hot and if I do not throw them back they will die." Replied the dancer.

The man looked around him and saw that the beach went on for miles and that there were many thousands of starfish along its length.

"But there are too many" he protested to the dancer "you can't possibly make a difference."

The dancer smiled, picked up another starfish and gently tossed it beyond the waves, back into the sea.

"I made a difference to that one!" he said."

So, we might not see the changes that Mother Teresa made to the world and might not have even noticed if she had never existed. However, she made a difference in the lives hundreds of thousands of people - one at a time.

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We cannot answer that question because Mother Teresa wanted to become a nun from an early age. As far as is known, that was her only desire.

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Mother Teresa.Blessed Mother Teresa won the noble peace prize in 1979.

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I'm sure Mother Teresa would say that God was her best friend.

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I do not believe Mother Teresa had any pets. She would have had little time to care for it.

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Mother Teresa traveled around the world and helped people in need and poor people. she was influenced by her parents because they thought helping people one at a time would soon bring world peace and end world hunger.Roman Catholic AnswerFor a living, Mother Teresa served God however He guided her, as a Sister of Loretta, and then later as the Foundress, and Mother Superior of the Missionaries of Charity.

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That would be difficult since Mother Teresa has been dead since 1997.

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That would be a bit difficult as Mother Teresa died in 1997.

Is it proper to say the Missonaries of Mother Teresa?

No, the proper title is the Missionaries of Charity. Informally, I suppose, Missionaries of Mother Teresa would be okay.

Does Mother Teresa's work affect us today?

Because without her most orphaned and sick people would be ignored, especially today.

Did Mother Teresa have a mother?

Obviously. How else would have she been born? Her mother was named Dranafile Bojaxhiu (Bernai).