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Q: What would you compare the Somalian pirates to a from of piracy in the past?
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How is software piracy different from sea piracy?

there are two movies you need to see. Pirates of the Caribbean is one and the other would be hackers.

Were pirates hung at gallows?

Pirates were hung at the gallows when found, caught, and charged with piracy. Somethimes they would also be starved in a gibbet

Is the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack free?

No, it is not. This would be considered piracy. As with all music, you need to purchase the songs. This ensures sound quality and the support of the artists.

Is this a fact or opinion somali pirates are evil uncaring human beings?

It is an opinion. Somalian people kno the pirates are dangerous, which is a fact, but some think they are heroes for bringing more money into their country, that is their opinion. It is a fact that to the U.S., France, and other countries they are terrorists, but it would be an opinion that they are evil and uncaring.

Is piracy illegal?

Of course. It is armed robbery and theft to take someone's possessions from them, including a boat. And given the cost of a boat, it would be a felony.

What is a person from Somalia called?

Somalian, or SomaliansThere is no such thing as Somalian, the correct term would be Somali or Somalis. They speak the Somali language which is part of the Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family

Who are pirate?

In the days of the sailing ship, pirates were the blood-thirsty thieves of the unchartered seas. Pirates were common along the shores of Africa and in the Caribbean, where they would attack ships that were taking supplies to trade with the settlements there. In the modern day, piracy occurs off the coasts of Africa where there is no effective naval law. It also occurs in the islands of southeast Asia and to a lesser extent in the West Indies. The object of modern piracy is theft of vessels or ransoming their crews and cargos.

Did pirates have wooden legs eye patches and hooks?

Some did, but most did not. During the Golden Age of Piracy, those types of injuries would likely result in death on the high seas.

What do pirates wear?

Pirates would wear whatever they could get their hands on. During the age of piracy, there were laws put in place limiting what clothes people could wear. These laws were created to differentiate the upper class and peasants. When pirates would raid boats some of the most sought off items were high class clothing. The pirates would then hold a small "auction" and the pirates would bid on the clothing. The proceeds would often go to the ships "maintenance" but would often end up in the pocket of the captain. One of the reasons pirates are often pictured in "clashing" outfits is because they very rarely were able to buy a whole outfit in the "auction". Pirates would usually only wear there "prizes" out about town because wearing them aboard the ships was very impractical.

Should piracy be banned?

Piracy, being illegal, is already "banned." If piracy were not illegal, it would be no different from any other form of downloading or obtaining "free" items.

Which is the most in-disciplined country?

It is subjective to determine the most undisciplined country as discipline can vary across different cultures and societies. Additionally, it is important to note that generalizing an entire country's population as undisciplined would be unfair. Discipline can be influenced by various factors such as socio-economic conditions, political stability, and cultural norms.

How long did pirates live in the Caribbean?

I'm sure if you stabbed them, it would do the trick. Pirates died of disease in prisons, and by suffocation when they were hung. They also could have died while defending their own ship or trying to take another.