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You cant prevent sun damage its inevitable but you can cause it to happen less by wearing sunscreen or a lotion with SPF in it and wear sunglasses.

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Q: What would you do to prevent sun damage to your skin?
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Why are children getting skin damage?

Children are getting skin damage because of all the hours the spend outside in the sun's radiation waves. to prevent skin damage apply sun screen as directed on the bottle of the sun screen.

Why is it that the sun lightens your hair but darkens your skin?

Hair can be bleached of color by the heat and radiation from the sun, melanin in the skin darkens to help prevent damage to it by the sun.

What is the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage including sunburn and even skin?

The sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage including sunburn and even skin cancer. Using sunscreen and other preventive measures can help prevent cancer.

Why does a person's skin usually get darker during the summer?

Adaotation of skin cells to prevent damage from UV rays, it is the pigment in the skin that becomes darker, not the skin tissue itself

Can human die from sun?

the sun can cause skin damage and skin cancer, and you can die from that.

Do electronic cases prevent heat damage?

A case can prevent sun damage to your device,but it will not stop heat.

Does tanning cause sun spots?

It causes skin damage, but sunspots are on the sun's surface, not on your skin!

How do you cause damage to your skin?

to much sun

What can permanently damage skin?

Sun Rays ^-^

What are the types damage that can affect the skin?

sun burn skin cancer

WHAT rays of the sun damage the skin?

all of the 3 rays are hamful to your skin.

What vitamin do you get from sunlight?

Natural sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin d. The skin absorbs vitamin d from the sun's rays, but it is still essential to use sunblock to prevent skin damage.