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Q: What would you find a leprechaun hiding at the of rainbow?
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Where did the leprechaun find his pot of gold?

At the end of the rainbow

How do you complete a rainbow on webkinz?

you have to find the leprechaun at the clubhouse, he will give you a colored candy for part of your rainbow.

When spotting a rainbow what is the best way to find a leprechaun?

Always go to the left side of the rainbow

Why do people talk about a leprechaun and the pot of at the end of the rainbow?

Because rainbow id harf to find and it does not end

Where do you find leprechaun gold?

It is said that leprechauns bury their gold at the end of the rainbow.

How can you find a leprechaun?

wait for it to rain and be sunny at the same time and then go to the end of the rainbow

How do one find a leprechaun?

Look at the end of a rainbow, at least that's what most people say.

What did Columbus find on his travels?

he found a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow near a pond full of talking fish.

Why is it difficult to meet a leprechaun?

becuse their not real....... but if you're kid its because its hard to find the end of a rainbow

What happens when you go through a rainbow?

A rainbow is a prism effect from mist in the air and sunlight. Nothing will happen if you are able to travel 'through' it, it would probably move as you moved as it's based on point of view, not static in one location. And no, you wouldn't find a leprechaun.

What would you most likely find a leprechaun in?

In the tall grass

Where do you find a leprechaun shoe?

On a leprechaun's foot!