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Q: What would you have got hung for in Victorian times?
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Did children get hung in Victorian times?

no they got worse punishments hahaha

How much would a coal miner get in the Victorian times?

they got paid 2 pounds fifty

How important was marriage for women in Victorian times?

Marriage was important for women during the Victorian era, as if they never got married they would be owned by their father

Who was the british empire in Victorian times?

simon cowell on brits got taened

Did hung get cancelled?

yes. Hung got cancelled.

How much money did Victorian get?

The Victorian got $100,000.

What was the punishment for theft in Tudor times?

The main punishment was:Being Branded with a 'v' on your cheek

How can you use the word cane in a sentence?

At school in Victorian Day Ernest got hit with the cane!! He got hit 100 times with cane!

Why were there Victorian workhouses?

In a Victorian work house children, adults and elderly went to work in a workhouse if they were poor or badly ill. If they broke the rules then they would be put in a cage in a dark room, fined of even put into prison!

What were the turdor punishments?

they got hung

What are some details relating to the death of Chris Benoit?

He hung His son then put a bible next to him then the wife got hung by Benoit then a bible got put next to her then he hung himself

How do you think schools were heated in Victorian times?

Schools that could afford fuel - e.g. coal or firewood, would have had fires burning in the fireplace. In schools that were poor, they just got cold or wore lots of clothes!