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Q: What would you have to damage in your brain for yo to feel less fear?
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3 effects of alcohol?

damage to the brain and liver and be feel sick in the mourning

If Howard experienced brain damage that left him without the capacity to feel emotions but with the ability to reason what would he be like?

Howard would be very solemn and unfeeling with not much of a personality.

Are there nerve cells in your brain?

No - this is why the brain can feel no pain directly. If there were nerve cells in the brain then most modern brain-surgery would be impossible. The brain has "receptors" which indicate where sensation is originating. Interestingly some types of brain damage can result in sensations getting confused - this is a medical condition known as synesthesia. For instance some people "see" words as colours or "feel" music as a tingling sensation.

Why do people feel pain when they get cut?

Pain is caused when nerve endings are exposed - they signal to the brain that there is damage to the skin and tissue, and we feel that as pain.

Does drumming cause brain damage?

Although drumming can cause neurological damage, it does not cause brain damage. It is actually healthy for your mind to drum because of the activeness and focus it puts on it. Ive been a drummer since i was really little and i feel like it has acually helped me focus better in all places. I always got god grades in school and as soon as marching band was over they would drop. So if anything it helps your brain.

Do bees feel fear?

yes because why else would they sting you

What is difference between fear and frighten?

Fear is an emotion "I fear you" Frighten is to cause someone to feel the emotion fear. "Do I frighten you?" = "Do I cause you to feel fear?" "Yes you frighten me" = "Yes, you cause me to feel fear"

What role does fear of the unknown play in the experience of pain?

Fear of the unknown can amplify the perception of pain by triggering the body's stress response, increasing sensitivity to pain signals. Anticipating pain can also create anxiety, which can heighten the perception of pain levels. Fear of the unknown can affect how pain is processed in the brain, potentially leading to a more intense experience of pain.

Do animals people hunt feel fear?

Yes, they feel fear.

What phobia is the fear of Canadian Geese?

When birds feel fear and Keep doing the ChaCha!

How would it feel to be laid off?

It brings a sense of fear, anxiety and desperation.

Do animals feel?

It would depend on which animal. If it has a brain, it can "feel" in one way or another. Animals with no brain like coral cannot feel, but they do react to negative stimuli as all living things do.