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Decomposers feeding on living things.

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Q: What would you least expect in a pyramid of numbers?
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How would you draw a pyramid of numbers for a dog with fleas What shape would the pyramid take?

The shape would be an upside down pyramid

How would you draw a pyramid of numbers for a dog with fleas What shape with the pyramid take?

The shape would be an upside down pyramid

Where would you expect to find the fewest invertebrates?

Where would you find the most invertebrates

What would a pyramid of numbers for a tropical rainforest look like?

Your mothers breasts.

In an ecosystem the numbers pyramid would be distorted?

desert i think

Where would you least expect an earthquake to occur?

Certainly not haiti!

What the most energy efficient part of a trophic pyramid?

The primary producers (such as plants) are the most energy efficient part of a trophic pyramid. They can convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis with high efficiency, capturing the most energy from the environment. Each higher trophic level loses energy in the form of heat as it consumes lower levels, making them less efficient in energy use.

What is a recruiting yield pyramid used for?

recruiting yield pyramid is used to make sure sufficient numbers of potential employees from where the employees would be selected.

During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers of?


What is a pyramidal number sequence?

It is a sequence of numbers that represents how many spheres you would have in a pyramid of different heights.

What would biomass tell us that a pyramid of numbers wouldn't?

A pyramid of numbers will only tell you the amount of organisms at each trophic level. A Biomass pyramid ignores the amount of organisms in favour of their biomass (dry weight) which in turn represents the amount of energy available at each trophic level.

How many flat face of pyramid?

A pyramid can have 4 or more faces. A pyramid, with a n-sided polygon as base will have n+1 faces. The polygon with the least number of sides is a triangle and a triangular pyramid (tetrahedron) has 4 faces. A square based pyramid has 5 faces, and so on.