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desert i think

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Idk_breylon_. 2

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Q: In an ecosystem the numbers pyramid would be distorted?
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How would an ecosystem with a greater number of individual herbivores than individual producers affect the shape of the ecosystem's pyramid of numbers?

It expresses biomass at different trophic levels in an ecosystem.

What might happen to an ecological pyramid of numbers in a forest ecosystem if most of the deer were killed due to hunting by people and disease?

Since deer are first order heterotrophs and if they get hunted or killed then the second order heterotrophs would not have much to eat and would probably die, then the third order heterotrophs would not have anything to eat. There for the numbers of the pyramid would drop drastically.

How would you draw a pyramid of numbers for a dog with fleas What shape would the pyramid take?

The shape would be an upside down pyramid

How would you draw a pyramid of numbers for a dog with fleas What shape with the pyramid take?

The shape would be an upside down pyramid

What is the best ecosystem for a food web and a pyramid?

The very best for a COMPLETE system would be a rain forest.

What would a pyramid of numbers for a tropical rainforest look like?

Your mothers breasts.

What would you least expect in a pyramid of numbers?

Decomposers feeding on living things.

In multiple-point perspective why do the vanishing points not appear on the canvas itself?

The image would appear distorted and not realistic

What is a recruiting yield pyramid used for?

recruiting yield pyramid is used to make sure sufficient numbers of potential employees from where the employees would be selected.

Which organism receives the most energy on the pyramid of energy?

The energy pyramid is a way of gaining a conceptual understanding of energy flow in an ecosystem. There isn't really any animal at the top of the pyramid. Ultimately, the biggest animals die and are consumed by detritivores that would "normally" be placed at the bottom of the pyramid. So it's really a cycle.

Look at the food web below. Which organisms would be at the bottom of the energy pyramid for this ecosystem?

Grass and wheat ( Apex)

What is a pyramidal number sequence?

It is a sequence of numbers that represents how many spheres you would have in a pyramid of different heights.