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a radiation suit

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Q: What would you need to protect yourself from the heat and atmosphere on Mercury?
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How would earth's surface look if it didn't have an atmosphere?

there would be nothing, less than mercury, because mercury's atmosphere is a foot off of its surface.

Does Mercury have clouds?

Mercury does not have clouds because its to close to the SUN.

Composition of atmosphere for Mercury?

Mercury has no atmosphere to speak of. There are traces of sodium, oxygen, argon, helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen floating around' but it's pretty much hard vacuum down to the surface.

What problems and solutions would you run into on mercury?

First there's no atmosphere so you would need a suit to protect against that and asteroids hit mercury every day. The temperature can go from -300 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. some sunglasses would be good so you can relax and get nice and crispy.

Why does Mercury have very little Atmosphere?

Its low mass has made it hard for it to retain any gases at all as an atmosphere

Would meteorology be useful science to apply to the study of planets such as Mars and Mercury?

Meteorology would be useful on Mars but not on Mercury. Mercury does not have a substantial atmosphere and therefore has no weather to speak of. Mars has enough of an atmosphere to produce weather such as dust storms.

Would meteorology be useful science to Apply to the study of planets such as mercury and Mars?

Meteorology would be useful on Mars but not on Mercury. Mercury does not have a substantial atmosphere and therefore has no weather to speak of. Mars has enough of an atmosphere to produce weather such as dust storms.

Why would it not be possible fr us to live on mercury?

Because it has no atmosphere

How would a person get choked in Mercury?

Yes, because Mercury doesn't have much atmosphere and air to support life, and Mercury is to hot to live on

Why is your atmosphere so important?

the atmosphere is important because without the atmosphere the oxygen would escape from our atmosphere into space and without the atmosphere we would all dye because there would be nothing to protect us from the suns heat

Would life survive on Mercury?

Not any life that we know of. Besides the obvious temperature problems, there is no atmosphere, and no water on Mercury.

What is the biggest planet with no gases?

If you mean what is the biggest planet without an atmosphere, then the answer would be Mercury.