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I would give it a perfect 10 because the game is just the best out there.

10 because you can assassinate fat people that are just SO FAT.

its the best game ever because you can kill people and climb towers!

I agree. 10/10 best game ever!

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Q: What would you rate assassins creed On a scale of 1 to 10 how good is it overall?
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Is ezio in assassins creed brotherhood?

Yes, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood continues straight after when Assassin's Creed 2 ended. well that's what i think. It does continue from where assassins creed 2 left off and ezio would have to be in assassins creed brotherhood or it would just be really stupid.

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No, but I would suggest playing AC2 before playing AC Brotherhood if you care about the plotline.

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the Assassins would win any day

Which is better assassins creed or dead space?

well it is pretty even because dead space has better graphics than assassins creed and has more blood effects but assassins creed doesn't have guns for once because most games involve guns and assassins creed just has swords and medieval weapons and you can also free run which is something you cannot do in dead space. So really it is pretty even but my opinion would be that assassins creed is better especially brotherhood.

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What game is better modern warfare 2 or assassins creed 2?

For assassins creed 2, you would need a good graphics card for your computer or the game will lagg. You can play MW2 on bad graphics card and not lagg. But overall, if you like 1ster person shooter than MW2 is by far the best shooting game.

Should i get Wii with brawl or xbox 360 with assassins creed?

Honestly, they are both good games. If you are talking about Assassins Creed II, then I would get the Xbox and that. I think the Xbox is a better system overall but if you have any chance of getting a PlayStation 3, I would definitely take that offer. The Wii is a Juvinial system that I honestly think is for five year olds. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a very fun game but can get Tiresome very quickly. I have beaten Assassins Creed many, many times, and it can get tiresome also, but I have played Assassins Creed II since it came out. I have beaten it many times also, and I still have not gotten tired of it.

Is there another assassins creed after assassins creed brotherhood?

Yes there is because at the end of Assassin's Creed Brotherhoood is a cliffhanger, and cliffhangers always lead to a new game and everyone was aware that Assassin's Creed would be a trilogy and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is not number three, so yes there will be another one

Will there be zombies in assassins creed brotherhood As a dlc?

Not sure. That would be cool though.

Should i get assassins creed 2 or army of two the 40th day?

dude i have both of these games but personally i would get assassins creed 2 because army of 2 gets old really fast.