

What would you say to some that supports embryonic stem cells?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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Using embryonic stem cells is unethical for many people, especially if they were only created for stem cell research.

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Q: What would you say to some that supports embryonic stem cells?
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How are adult body cells differ from embryonic stem cells?

adult body cells have a function where as embryonic stem cells have no set function as of that stage. now there are some adult stem cells and those have little to no difference than embryonic stem cells

How are adult body cells different from embryonic stem cells?

adult body cells have a function where as embryonic stem cells have no set function as of that stage. now there are some adult stem cells and those have little to no difference than embryonic stem cells

What are some global opinions that support the use of embryonic stem cells use?

I support the use of embryonic stem cells because they can cure a numerous amount of illnesses.

Are people more upset about some types of stem cells than others?

People are more upset about embryonic stem cells than adult stem cells.

Could embryonic stem cells help people with some diseases?

they can cure human diseases but the question is should we use them.

Why do researches prefer to use embryonic stem cells instead of adult?

Because the (human) embryos are frozen and they are readily available and will be destroyed if not implanted in a womb of a potential mother. Unfortunately, people see the frozen embryonic cell as an opportunity to do science. Some researchers feel that throwing out frozen embryonic cells is a waste. A scientist goal is to improve the value of human life by finding a value in the human embryonic cell. It would be like using a person, without permission, to make another person either get better or live longer. The moral problem is that it takes the life of another human to gain the advantage for a supposedly superior being. Another reason is because of the promise of embryonic stem cells is just to consuming to a research scientist. They can make a lot of money, and cure some serious diseases by using the embryonic stem cell. Another reason is that the federal funds to do the research have been available since 2008. If the government sponsors this type of research, then more scientists will use the government (USA) money to keep their projects funded. It is important to know that even though initial tests in embryonic stem cells looked promising, more can also be done with adult stem cells, without harming the potential for human life. Also, so called hybrid-stem cells that can be reverted back to stem cell status from an adult stem cell has made big progress in 2011-12. Both hybrid and adult stem cell research can be done without hurting the potential for life.

What are some potential sources of embryonic stem cells for use in research and stem cell treatment?

The umbilical cord has stem cells in it. Baby teeth are another possible source of stem cells.

What are some potential source of embryonic stem cells for use in researcher and stem cell treatments?

they could potentially grow new organs

What are some potential sources of embryonic stem cells for use in research and stem cell treatments?

they could potentially grow new organs

Why do we use human embryos to treat some diseases?

They do not treat all diseases. For the diseases they can treat the embryonic cells can provide replacements for the failing (or entirely missing) cells that due to their absence cause the disease.

How do you proteins function?

Besides being structural supports in some cells; proteins do EVERYTHING that we class as living.

What type of stem cells saves lives?

There are mainly two types of Stem Cells, namely Embryonic Stem Cells and Adult Stem cells. A stem cell, for it's therapuetic values, should be bale to be expanded in any of the tissues of the body. To say in short they should be Totipotent or at least Plueripotent. The Embroynic stem cells are considered as totipotent by some writer (because they give rise to all the tissues of body) but plueripotent by some writer (because they could not give rise to Trophoblast Layer). These embryonic stem are usually used as an ideal stem cells and are expanded in culture for implications in medical use.