

What would your age be if you were on Pluto?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Where you are has no effect on your age. If you were on Pluto you would be the same age as if you had stayed on earth.

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Q: What would your age be if you were on Pluto?
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Like you would be like 2 like if you was 13 on Pluto you would be like 2 WOW yah like the gravity thing like helps so much with the wrinkles like you would not even need botox! and like that would awesome.

What is your age on Pluto?

If you were born on Pluto you would die before you turned 1 year. One year there assuming you could survive is 248 years here, so multiply to see.

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What do you do to find out your age on Pluto?

1222144678834679 years old

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If your 9 years old on earth how old are you on Pluto?

You would still be 9. Due to the Humans current inability to colonize outside our own planet all calculations, like age, are still based on the Earth standard. But, assuming that was not your specific question, it takes approximately 248 Earth years for Pluto to orbit the sun once. So for your calulations divide your age by 248 and you will get your age in Pluto Years. 9/248= .03629 Pluto Years Two give you an idea, that would be similar to only being 2 weeks old on Earth. (.03629 Earth Years = 13.25 Earth Days)

Is Pluto's moons bigger that it?

No. If Charon, Pluto's largest moon, were bigger, then Pluto would be the moon. Charon is abould half the diameter of Pluto.

What would happen if we lived on Pluto?

Life as we know it can not exist on Pluto.

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If i was 9 and i lived in Pluto how old would i be?

Not very old in Pluto years.

How do you get water on Pluto?

its impossible because Pluto is so cold when you get there it would be ice.

How long would it take a rocket to travel from Pluto to the sun?

On January 19, 2006 a space probe was launched and sent to Pluto. It was expected to reach Pluto in 2015. So it would take about 9 years to get to Pluto.