

What written language did the Aryans developed?

Updated: 11/28/2021
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7y ago

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the white language and american

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Josefina Kunze

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Q: What written language did the Aryans developed?
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The written language developed by the Aryans is?

written language developed by the Aryans

What is Language developed by the Aryans is?

written language developed by the Aryans

What was the name of the written language that the Aryans had developed?

The written language developed by the Aryans was called Sanskrit. It is an ancient Indo-Aryan language and is considered the classical language of Old India. Sanskrit played a significant role in the development of many other languages in the Indian subcontinent.

What was the written language developed by the aryans?

The Aryans developed the written language known as Sanskrit. It is an ancient Indo-European language that was used in ancient India for religious and literary purposes. Sanskrit has had a significant influence on Indian languages and is still used in traditional ceremonies and rituals.

What was the aryans written language?


What written language did Aryans develop?

the white language and american

What is the name of the written language developed by Aryans?

"Aryans" as a term designating a specific group of languages also referred to as Indo-Iranian languages has fallen out of favor. However, the written language developed by Proto-Indo-Iranians is called Sanskrit, the oldest language of that branch of Indo-European languages.

How are the aryans different from non aryans that they encountered when migrating to India?

Aryans were taller, lighter in color, and spoke a different language. Also, they had not developed a writing system. The non-aryans, or dasas, were town dwellers who lived in communities protected by walls.

What language did the aryans write in?

The Aryans did not have a written language of their own. However, they likely adopted and modified the Indus Valley civilization's script, which later developed into Sanskrit writing.

Which was the main language of the Aryans?

Sanskrit was the main language of the Aryans.

How are the Aryan different from non Aryans that they encountered when migrating to India?

Aryans were taller, lighter in color, and spoke a different language. Also, they had not developed a writing system. The non-aryans, or dasas, were town dwellers who lived in communities protected by walls.

What was the major language of the Aryans?

The major language of the Aryans was Sanskrit. It is an ancient Indo-European language and is considered the liturgical language of Hinduism.