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Marie Curie's first child was named Irene, she was born on September in 1897

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Q: What year did Marie Curie have their first child?
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Polonium was discovered by Marie Curie and Pierre Curie in 1898.

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Bequerel was the first to note radioactivity, in 1896. Curie discovered radium in 1898, after experiments with uranium and then pitchblende.

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Polonium and was discovered in 1898 by Pierre Curie and Marie Curie.

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Marie Curie received the Nobel in 1903 and again in 1911.

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Polonium was discovered in 1898 by Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, in a Paris laboratory.

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Marie's father influenced her most. He passed down his love of science and math to her and was there to take care of her when her mother passed away. Sklodoska lost his job the same year his wife died and made his home into a boarding house to earn money.

What year Marie Curie received a second Nobel Prize for te discovery of radium and polonium?

The second Nobel Prize for Marie Curie was in 1911.