

What year did Napoleon Bonaparte conquer Europe?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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He became the First Consul in 1799.

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Q: What year did Napoleon Bonaparte conquer Europe?
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What year did Napoleon conquer Europe?

He was a part of the 1799 coup against the lawful government of France called the Directory.

What year was Napoleon Bonaparte exiled to Elba?

In 1814.

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Who was crowned empron in the notre dame?

In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Napoleon I. Pope Pius VII handed Napoleon the crown that the 35-year-old conqueror of Europe placed on his own head.

What nationality was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon was born in Corsica one year after it was acquired by France, so he was French.

What year was Napoleon Bonaparte's final defeat?

1815 (June 18)

What year day and month did Napoleon Bonaparte die?

5 May 1821

Who became emperor of France in the year 1800?

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE became the First Emperor of France in 1800.

What Year was frozen food invented?

the canned food is invented in 1804 by Napoleon Di Bonaparte.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte invent the last name?

Until 1796 Napoleon signed letters, orders and documents with his Italian surname: "di Buonaparte". Starting from that year he adopted the gallicized version of it : "Bonaparte" omitting also the noble particle "di".

In what year did Napoleon Bonaparte take over the Directory?

He was a part of a coup against the Directory on November 9, 1799.

Who was president of France in 1803?

there was no president in France in 1803. The French leader was Napoleon Bonaparte, crowned emperor the following year.