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Girard Ohio was hit by an F3 tornado on August 5, 1956. 2 others that occurred very near Girard were an F5 on May 31, 1985 and an F0 on July 22, 1990.

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Q: What year did a tornado come from Girard Ohio?
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How many years ago did a tornado hit in O hio?

Tornadoes have occurred in Ohio this year as they do pretty much every year

How many tornadoes does Ohio average annually?

About 50 tornadoes cross Ohio in 5 years. mainly 10 tornadoes cross Ohio in 1 year. they usally happen in the west of Ohio and the southwest of Ohio. don't need to worry about people who live near the lake. the last tornado in the north east was captured sevrel years ago and it was only a baby.

Is many the best year for tornado?

May is a month, not a year. But it does have the most tornado of any month.

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Tornado Alley is a region, not a time of year. Tornado season is generally considered to last April through June.

In what year did the most deaths occur by a tornado?

1989 when a single tornado in Bangladesh killed over 1,300 people. The deadliest tornado year in the U.S. was 1925 when a single tornado killed 695 people.

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In 2011 there were 552 tornado fatalities in the United States, tying it as the second deadliest tornado year in U.S. history.

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Tornado's hit Wichita about once a year!

What year was the waco tornado?

The tornado that hit Waco, Texas struck in 1953.

What is the average number of tornadoes per year in tornado alley?

Tornado Alley typically gets about 800 tornadoes in a year.

What is the highest number of tornado deaths in a year?

794 deaths in the year 1925. 695 of those deaths were from a single tornado.

What was the worst tornado season in us history?

1925. There were 794 tornado deaths in the U.S. that year, 695 from a single tornado.

What time of year is tornado's more likely to hit?

tornado mostly showup at summer.