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Q: What year did attila the hun see a halo over pope leos head?
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Who was in Attila the Hun family?

He had a brother named Bleda. He also had a father named Mundzuk and an uncle named Rugila. For a little extra information, it's nice to note that Rugila had a way of dealing with Romans that Attila detested. Rugila would sell the Huns as mercenaries to the Romans which Attila hated since he had a hate for Romans. He also had a son named Ernoch, and two other sons who's names I cannot recall. However, Ernoch was prophesied to keep the Hunnic Empire alive and going. However, when Attila died his three sons fought amongst each other and split the Hunnic Empire all over again (since it had been unified by Attila) because they had so many quarrels over land. Ernoch, contrary to prophesy, didn't keep the Empire going. When Attila's second son died the Huns disappear from historical record. The closest relatives to the Huns today are, obviously, the Hungarians since they live closest to Attila's original home on the Danube River. However, the Hungarians are not direct descendants of Attila, although some claim to be descended from Ernoch. Also, if you search other sites and they say that Attila's uncle Rugila was called "Uncle Rua", they're wrong. Don't listen to them.

What was the Production Budget for Head Over Heels?

The Production Budget for Head Over Heels was $14,000,000.

How much money did Head Over Heels gross domestically?

Head Over Heels grossed $10,397,365 in the domestic market.

What are the ratings and certificates for Head Over Heels - 1979?

Head Over Heels - 1979 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG USA:PG

What is the job of head of state?

The job of the Head of State is to stand over ceremonial events. In the UK the Queen is HEad of State and as such, presides over the Church of England and signs bills.

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as far as apperance goes you can get a"halo" over you're head.

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