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It came around the 1970s

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Q: What year did color television do to society?
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What year did color television into existence?

In the US 1953.

What year did color tv come to India?


How does color television impact society?

Color television made a large impact on American society, in that it changed the way and the amount of time people watched their favorite television shows and purchased new color TV's. In the beginning only the well to do or people with money could afford to have a color television, so it was a bit of a status symbol to have a color set. When color TV's were first introduced to the American house hold a lot of the TV's shows were not in color, but that rapidly changed with more and more households getting the color sets. It is quite similar to the effect of digital and high definition flat screen TV's, versus the old color analog sets, and how that has once again changed how people relate to television.

What year did CBS demonstrates color television in New York?


What year did color TV sales overcome black and white TV sales?


What year did batman appear in color on tv?

Batman appeared in color on TV in 1966, with the premiere of the "Batman" TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward.

What year did TV first have color?

In 1953 some stations in the US begin to broadcast in color on a very limited basis.

What was the year Billy Graham crusades were televised in color tv?

1959 in Australia.

What year did the color television come out for the public to watch?

Color television came on the market in the early 1950's, but it did not become widely used until 1965.

What year were TV's available.?

The United States started a trial system of color tv in 1950, this ended in 1951. It wasn't until 1953 that color tv as we know it today was introduced.

What year did the television go from black and white to color?

Black and white television were broadcast in this manner due to that fact that television sets could not display color versions. By the mid 1970s most television sets were color models and therefore black and white shows were discontinued.

When was TV inented?

the color TV was invented in the 1920's i don't know exactly what year in the 20's though.