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April 1,1970

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Q: What year did congress ban tv cigarette commercials?
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In what year did congress ban the importation of slaves from Africa?

congress banned the importation of slaves from Africa in 1808

During the post-Revolutionary period did states continued the importation of slaves?

Congress did not ban the slave trade in America until 1808. It is stated in the Constitution that this was the first year that Congress would be allowed to ban the trade.

Hospitals and smoking when did they ban cigarette smoking in UK hospitals?

they never did

How long did it take America to make a ban on cigarettes smoking?

Cigarette smoking is not banned in America.

Who ruled that congress couldn't ban slavery in the territories?

taney (a judge)

When did the congress ban discrimination in housing?

It was banned in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Are you in favor of cigarette ban in our municipality?

I am , as it bothers sometimes to inhale the smoke from cigarettes. Maybe there should be special places where to smoke.

What Supreme Court case stated that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in states and that blacks were not citizens?

The Dread Scott case was the Supreme Court case the stated that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in states and that blacks were not citizens.

What banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two thirds vote?

The fourteenth amendment bans any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban is removed by a two-thirds vote.

What banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two-thirds vote?

The 14th amendment banned any local or federal official from serving in Congress unless the ban was removed by a two-thirds vote.

Can you still visit us with a 3 year ban?

no. you will have to wait until the ban is over. sorry! :-/

Who proposed that neither congress nor a territorial government had the authority to ban a slavery?

John C. Calhoun