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Q: What year did dolley Madison serve ice cream at the inaugral ball of her husband?
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What year did Dolley Madison serve ice cream at the inaugural ball of her husband?

On March 4,1813 at Madison second inaugural ball, ice cream was served.

Did Dolley Madison host the first ice cream social?


Which American first lady was associated with ice cream?

Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, was reputed to have popularized ice cream.

Was Laura Bush the first lady to serve ice cream in the white house?

No. Dolley Madison was.

What president's wife gave visitors to the white house their first taste of 'ice cream'?

Dolley Madison is given credit for this action.

What year did Dolly Madison serve ice cream at the inaugural ball for her husband?


What presidents wife made ice cream popular?

Dolly Madison, James Madison's wife, popularized ice cream by serving it at the White House in 1813. for her husband's inaugural banquet. James Madison was president from 1809 to 1817..

Who is the inventor vanilla ice cream?

Dolly Madison

What is Madison beer's favorite ice cream flavor?


Which presidents wife was first to serve ice cream in white house?

Ice cream was a very popular desert in the 1700's and Washington is reported to have had 3 ice cream freezers installed at Mr. Vernon. Since he never lived in the White House ( it wasn't built) I would imagine that John Adams served ice cream at some point when he was president.

What was Dolly Madison's favorite food?

weight watchers ice cream

Why do you have Laura secord chocolates?

It is only right and proper to honor patriots and heroines with consumer products. Laura secord has been so honored by a well-known brand name of candy, something akin to say Baricinni as it was a chain of shops, they were big at the l967 Montreal Expo having several outlets on the grounds. One might hazard a remote American analog in the (snack Food) line would be Dolley Madison ice cream. the first Lady was honored posthumously, but she had no connection with ice cream in her lifetime. Maybe the tie-ins with Madison avenue- advertising biz... so that:s how it happened.