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Q: What year did french and catholic people get rights Manitoba?
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What were Louis Rie'ls accomplishments?

Riel had many accomplishments which could include: The creation of Manitoba. French and Catholic rights in Manitoba. The rights of Westerners and Metis in Confederation. The creation of the RCMP. The hostile relationship between Western Canada and Ottawa.

What is the Manitoba act of 1870?

the manitoba act allowed the area to enter confederation as a province of manitoba. it also gave the metis land and secured their rights as french speaking canadiens

Did people have rights during the french revolution?

Yes, people did have rights during the french revolution.

The difference between the Metis Bill of rights and the Manitoba Act?

the bill of rights is to let the metis have the rights of everyone else the Manitoba act created Manitoba

What are Francophones' collective rights?

Francophone collective rights are rights that French people in Canada are given. Because the majority of Canada is English speaking, French/Francophones need to have rights to get a good education, collective rights give them the right to be able to access a French speaking school where ever they live.

Both the US declaration of independence and the french declaration of the rights of man emphasized the idea that governments must?

Protect the rights of the people.protect the rights of people

What kind of document did the French people want to give them a say in government?

The French people wanted a constitution that would provide them with rights and government involvement.

Did the French Revolution inspire the people to fight for their rights in other parts of the world?

It had a strong and worldwide effect on basic human rights.

How was the french people decleration of the rights of man and citizen influenced by the English bill of rights and the American bill of rights?

they wanted to become strong and not pussies who always surrender

Why did napoleon make the concordat of 1801 with the pope?

To settle the religious question between the great majority of French, who were fervent Catholic, and the French ruling establishment, derived from the Revolution, who were atheists. The Concordat put to an end the persecution against the Catholic masses, granting their religious and civil rights within the structure of a laical State.

Who has the rights to The Wiz?

Samuel French have the rights.

What is the the french declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen?

The main idea of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are that all people regardless of their nationality, race, sex, or other defining characteristics are born with certain rights. These rights should be protected regardless where the individual travels, lives, works, or visits.