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According to The Bible, the Flood was approximately 1,650 years from creation, and approximately 720 years from the time of Adam's death.

We cannot look for scientific evidence of these dates. Most scientists say that there was no biblical Flood and that man has been here very much longer than stated in the Bible.


Jesus regarded the Flood as a historical fact, and He likened the time of His coming again to the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). It was 1,656 years from Adam to the Flood. There were 126 years between the death of Adam and the birth of Noah. Noah lived 350 years after the Flood; he died two years before the birth of Abraham (Halley's Bible Handbook).

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12y ago
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12y ago

It could be 2304 b.c.


There is no way for us to know when God flooded the earth except to guess at it. Scientists agrue that this may have occured about 10,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age.

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8y ago

There have been various attempts to arrive at a date, using the biblical chronologies in the Old Testament. People such as Newton and Kepler also did this. The date of 4004 BC which many use was that arrived at by the Irish bishop James Ussher. Both Newton's and Kepler's were quite close to this. However Bishop Ussher arrived at his figure by adding up the genealogies in the Old Testament that begin with Adam and Eve but don't describe how long the earth existed prior to them. Therefore his calculation doesn't doesn't address the total age of the earth, only the total age of Adam and Eve and their descendants.

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10y ago

According to Genesis 6:5-7:

When the LORD saw how great was man's wickedness on earth, and how no desire that his heart conceived was ever anything but evil, he regretted that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was grieved. So the LORD said: "I will wipe out from the earth the men whom I have created, and not only the men, but also the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air, for I am sorry that I made them."

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12y ago

From my math, according to Genesis 5, is 1556 years.

Calculations are verified.

But now verify me the time line from

the death of Noah, 1656

then adding on dates till the crossing

of the Jordan.

I hope I am correct in this sum,

1656 from the death of Noah

+597 from Arphaxad, to entering Egypt

+400 from submission to Egypt

+ 40 years being stupid in the wilderness, doing tha' Wild thing.


2693 years from the Creation of Adam till the crossing of the Jordan River.

then Joshua at 40 takes command and lives and rules Israel for another

+ 70 yrs


2763 years are now passed from the creation of Adam to the death of Joshua.

then God gave them Judges for the space of

+ 40 years


2803 years from the beginning of creation till the end of the Last Judges

so now to calculate from David to the last of the kings and the 70 years in Babylon.

There is then 430 years of complete silence as spoken of by Ezekiel.

( that leaves me with a time gap from David, till Nebuchadnezzar's captivity of the Hebrews)

I do like to check this out and not to take what people say at face value.

gotta love the scrips,
There is no clear answer for this though there are clues that may assist the curious to get within a good range.

Considering Adam is born and the calendar begins, then this would be 1 Anno Mundus (Year of the World). Adding up the ages of his descendants to Noah, it can be stated that the Flood occurred in 1656 AM.

There was work done by Archbishop James Ussher, from Armagh, Ireland in the 17th Century that puts Adam being created in 4004 BC. Accounting for a presumed period of time for one-on-one training in God's Law and then preceding with the descendants to Noah, we get the Flood occurring in 2nd month, 17th day, 2327 BC (before Christ) which is equivalent to 1656 AM.

So for AM method it is 1656 years. In BC method of Ussher it is 1677 years.

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13y ago

After Adam & Eve ate the fruit from the tree of good & bad,lots of people forgot about God.Everyone but Noah.He loved him.God said "Build a boat on land." & Noah did.When it was done,God said"Take 2 of each animal & your family."When Noah did,the rain started.Maybe about 3 days.When the rain ended,Noah's family were happy & safe.One day,Noah send a dove to find land but it didn't.A week later,Noah send the dove again.The dove had a leaf.Noah said"It found land."and they cheered.The boat rested on land. Then,God put a rainbow to never flood the earth for the rest of your life.Last but not least,the world returned to normal.THE END.

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8y ago

Jewish tradition states that the Earth was created on the 25th of Elul (late summer), 3760 BCE. See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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Trujillo ParaCristo

Lvl 3
3y ago

Miscalculation my answer would be around 1895 not 2135, counting the years when the Patriarch were born look perfect, but is different if we count from the death of Adam he Lived 930 years Set died 112 years after Adam, he was 912 years old, Enos lived 98 years after his father death, Adam was already dead at this time. The fact that Adam lived 930 years and Set only 912 that doesn't mean he died before Adam. Following this sequence and skipping Enoc fly we have 1895 years to the flood.

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Trujillo ParaCristo

Lvl 3
3y ago

Explaining, Adam lived 930 years if he fathered Set when he was 130 years what is the age of Set when he took his father to the grave? he was 800 old, then he died 112 years later it was the year 1042 after the creation of Adan in the garden, this change all the calculations I have seen about the issue, Adam was long gone when Noah build the ark.

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Trujillo ParaCristo

Lvl 3
3y ago

Calculos de los años desde Adan hasta el diluvio.

Adan engendro a Set despues de Cain y Abel cuando tenia 130 años vivio 930 en total su hijo Set tenia 800 años cuando murio y vivio 112 años mas total 1042 años +

Set engendro a Enos cuando tenia 105, Enos tenia 807 cuando murio Set pero murio de 905 años de edad vivio mas que su padre + 98

Enos engendro a Cainan a la edad de 90 este tenia 805 años caundo murio

Enos y el murio a la edad de 910, vivio entonces despues de su padre +105

Cainan engendro a Mahalaleel a la edad de 70 este tenia 840 cuando murio Cainan

y el murio a la edad de 895 años vivio entonces despues de su padre + 55

Mahalaleel engendro a Jared a la edad de 65 Jared tenia 830 cuando murio

su padre y murio a los 962 entoncen vivo mas que el + 132

Jared engendro a Enoc cuando tenia 62 años Enoc fue arrebatado

a los 365 años pero engendro a Matusalem cuando tenia 65 este tenia 300

cuando desaparecio Enoc murio a los 969 vivio despues de el rapto + 669

Matusalem engendro a Lamec cuando tenia 187 años y este tenia 669

cuando murio su padre vivio entonces despues de Matusalem y murio

a los 777 vivio despues de su padre + 108

Lamec engendro a Noe a la edad de 182 este tenia 595 cuando murio

Lamec y el murio a los 950 años vivio despues de Lamec, 355 años engendro trillizos a la edad de 500 años Sem/Cam/Jafet

el diluvio fue cuando tenia + 600

Total de años desde Adan hasta el diluvio 2805 años

Mis calculos son totalmente diferentes a los sostenidos hasta hoy

por teologos de renombre el error de ellos es que cuentan a partir de los años en

que nacieron los Patriarcas.

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