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Q: What year did the Salem Witch Trials occur and what was the name of the only man put to death?
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When did the witch trials occur?

The Salem witch trials took place from June to October of the 17th century

Where did many executions of the Salem witch trials occur?

In Salem, Massachusetts in America. 21 died.

Over what time period did the Salem witch trials occur?


Where did many of the excutions occur in the Salem witch trials?

All nineteen exexutions took place on Gallows Hill in Salem.

Where did the Salem Witch Trials occur?

The Trials were conducted in the towns of Salem Village, Salem Town, Andover, and Ipswich. The accused were said to be Witches from the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Middlesex, in Massachusetts, New England.

In what year did Salem witchcraft trials occur?


In which state did the Salem witch trails occur?

Oregon EDIT: Actually, Massachusetts. There wasn't an Oregon in 1692, when the Trials took place.

When did the Salem witchcraft trials occur?


Which colony did the Salem which trials occur?


Why did the Salem witch trials occur?

The Salem witch trial occured because of two girls supposedly "hallucinating". They blamed there slave and people found reasons to blame people for things that happened who knows when? You get it..... Anonymous, 11 Year Old

In what year did the Salem Witchcraft Trials occur?


What year does Salem witchcraft trials occur?