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2d ago

The first breathalyzer test was invented in 1954 by Robert Borkenstein, a police officer in the United States. His device allowed for the quick and non-invasive testing of a person's blood alcohol content through their breath.

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Can you get convicted of a DWI if no breathalyzer test was administered?

Yes, you can still be convicted of a DWI without a breathalyzer test if other evidence demonstrates impaired driving, such as officer observations, field sobriety tests, and witness statements. Refusing a breathalyzer test may also lead to other legal consequences such as suspension of your driver's license.

What is the highest you can blow on a breathalyzer test?

The highest you can blow on a breathalyzer test would typically be a result of 0.40% blood alcohol content (BAC). At this level, a person is at risk of severe alcohol poisoning and potential death due to the suppression of vital functions in the body. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention at this level.

What if you don't breath hard into a breathalyzer?

If you don't breathe hard enough into a breathalyzer, the device may not be able to accurately measure your breath alcohol content. This could result in an inconclusive or inaccurate reading. It's important to follow the instructions provided with the breathalyzer to ensure a reliable result.

Is it legal to make passengers take a breathalyzer if the driver blows zeros?

In most places, it is not legal to make passengers take a breathalyzer if the driver blows zeros, as passengers are not typically required to submit to a breathalyzer test unless they are suspected of driving under the influence. Each jurisdiction may have specific laws regarding this, so it is best to consult local regulations for accurate information.

how does the court test for alcohol?

The court may use blood, breath, or urine tests to determine alcohol levels. Breathalyzer tests are commonly used as a non-invasive and convenient way to measure blood alcohol concentration. Blood tests can provide the most accurate results but are usually reserved for more serious cases.