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Q: What year did the early settlers settle in vermont?
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The early settlers came to Canada in the 17th century, starting in the early 1600s with the arrival of French explorers and fur traders. Later, British settlers arrived in the 18th century, gradually establishing colonies and settlements across the country.

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The settlers settled there first in 1626, but New York became a state July 26th, 1788.

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norway, in the year 874 hope this info helped you, reasearcher101

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1976Ben & Jerry's was founded in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont.

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The year the original settlers came to Jamestown was 1607

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Sir Walter Raleigh did not settle at Roanoke, Virginia. He sponsored two voyages to establish a colony at Roanoke in 1585 and 1587, but both attempts ultimately failed. The fate of the settlers, known as the Lost Colony, remains a mystery.

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In 1791.

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What year did Vermont enter the US?

Vermont became the 14th state in the Union on February 18, 1791.

Anyone from Vermont that's under Seventeen?

yes, there are many under seventeen year olds in vermont.

What year did Vermont achieve statehood?

Vermont became the 14th state in the Union on February 18, 1791.