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Q: What year did the hurricane in Haiti strike?
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In what year did hurricane Gustav strike?

Hurricane Gustav striked in 2008 and is the second most destructive hurricane, it formed on the morning of August 25, about 260 miles southeast of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Where did hurricane Isaac 2012 strike?

Hurricane Isaac struck the Lesser Antilles, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Cuba as a tropical storm and struck Louisiana as a category 1 hurricane.

Was Haiti the worst hurricane?

Haiti is a country, not a hurricane. While Haiti has had its fair share of devastating hurricanes, some of them among the worst.

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The hurricane Hanna is 1/4 of Haiti or even half the size of Haiti

What are the events that led to haiti earthquake?

the hurricane in haiti in 2008

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The last hurricane to hit the U.S. at category 5 intensity was Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

How many people died in Haiti due to Hurricane Sandy?

Hurricane Sandy killed at least 52 people in Haiti.

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How did the hurricane sandy affect Haiti?

Hurricane Sandy produced heavy rains in Haiti, causing severe flooding and killing at least 60 people.

Were there any deaths in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew?

Yes. The vast majority of deaths from Hurricane Matthew were in Haiti. As of October 10, 2016 the death toll in Haiti is at least 1,000. This figure will likely rise as relief workers reach towns cut off by the hurricane.

On what date did Hurricane Ike make landfall in Haiti?

It hit Galveston on or about 12 midnight on Saturday, September 13, 2008. Check with NOAA about when the eyewall crossed.

Where did hurricane Fifi form?

it formed south of Haiti