

What year is 2009 if you count christ as zero?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Can I just point out there never was, never can be, a year Zero....

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Q: What year is 2009 if you count christ as zero?
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How many years is it between bc and 2009?

From 1BC to 2009 was 2009 years, as there was no year zero.

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Count Zero was created in 1986.

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What year did the christian calendar begin?

Well, there was no year 0 (zero), so it must have been 1, the first year of Jesus Christ's life.

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it marks the beginning of the year of the Lord (anno Domini)

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Because of the birth of Christ that happened just somewhere in the middle of recorded history. We count the assumed year of that birth as the year 0 (zero) and we count up for all years after that. That is why today we still use the notation 2014 AD, AD meaning Anno Domini in Latin and 'since the birth of our Lord' in English.That means that we count all the years before the birth of Christ in the other direction. A person living before the year 0 would for instance have been born 100 years before Christ (that is why pre-Christian years always have the addition BC, short for before Christ) and after having lived for 70 years, have died 30 years BC. The same person having been born 200 years later would have been born 100 years after Christ and died 170 years after Christ.

BC is equal to how many years?

BC stands for "Before Christ," and it refers to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ. So, BC does not represent a specific number of years but indicates the countdown towards the birth of Christ.

How do you count significant figures?

To count significant figures, you count all the non-zero digits. You also count zeros which are between non-zero digits, as well as zeros which are after the decimal point, only if they appear to the right of non-zero digits.

Why doesnt any Theologians count the zero positive negative and neutral zero as well when equating the historical dates of Christianity when you do they come to a very different conclusion?

Zero is zero. If you multiply it by -1, +1 or zero it is still zero, so there is no distinction. As for dates, when organizing the current calendar, nobody noticed that there should be a date "0", because they were fixated on "BC" and "AD" and finished up with a system which missed out the year "OC" meaning "Of Christ". Probably the only system where (1) - (-1) = 1 instead of 2.

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never count the zero's. only count numbers higher than zero.

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If the man truly has a zero sperm count then the chance of the man impregnating someone is zero. However men with low sperm count can impregnate women and men with high sperm count may be unable to.

Are they going to have a 10 year anniversary for The Amanda Show?

No. There was zero acknowledgement of The Amanda Show in 2009.