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Q: What year was Nabisco Uneeda biscuits discontinued?
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It is gone. Nabisco discontinued it last year.

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The average salary for a Nabisco merchandiser is around $28,000 per year. The average starting pay is $12.00 an hour. Nabisco is a subsidiary of Mondelez International.

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Under Conant's leadership, Nabisco dominated the snack market in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Nabisco managed double-digit growth each year for five years through 2001.

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It has not yet been discontinued or announced as being discontinued

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1999 was last year

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You know who likes biscuits?, YOUR MOMMA

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Dog biscuits.

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What bad things are about biscuits?

i believe that biscuits are somewhat bad for you. they have some sugar and preservatives to preserve them when they are sitting on the store shelf for a year or two. unless you want gross, soggy, moldy, and crumbly biscuits, i would put up with the bad things in the biscuits and eat them. who cares whats in them and its bad. :P