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Q: What year was internal combustion engine invented?
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The internal combustion engine was first invented in what year?

u don't know so I am

In what year were car engines invented?

Many different car engines have been invented. The first internal combustion engine was invented in 1807. It used a fuel of hydrogen and oxygen. In 1858 the first coal gas fueled internal combustion engine was invented. In 1864 a gasoline fueled engine was attached to a cart.

What year invented the car?

The history of the automobile starts in the year 1769 when the steam engine automobile was invented. In 1806 the first cars with internal combustion where created. In 1885 modern petrol/gasoline was used in cars.

What year did etienne lenoir invent the internal combustion engine?

Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir developed the internal combustion engine in 1859. He was a Belgian engineer. Etienne Lenoir developed the first single-cylinder two-stroke engine by mixing coal gas and air to ignite a 'jumping spark' ignition system.

What was the first internal combustion engine used for and how did it work?

Essentially the first internal combustion engine was invented in the late 1600's (the specific year is unknown) by the English inventor Sir Samuel Morland. The engine ran on gun powder and was used mostly for pumping water. In 1860 the Belgium inventor, Lenoir, designed an engine that some consider the first Internal Combustion Engine, because it ran on a mixture of air and coal dust and was ignited by an electrical spark. In 1863, the engine was revised to include a carburettor and burn liquid petroleum gas. The engine was use to move a three wheeled cart, but most commonly it was used as a stationary power plant for printing presses, water pumps, and machine tools.

What year was the first internal combustion engine made?

Probably somewhat around 1650 by Christiaan Huygens, (14 April 1629 - 8 July 1695). He was a prominent Dutch mathematician, astronomer, physicist, horologist. His work included the invention of the pendulum clock and other investigations in timekeeping, the principle of the steam engine and a gunpowder engine which latter is in fact the first internal combustion engine.

In what year was the cars invented?

1672 - First internal combustion engine which was fuelled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and develop the world's first vehicle to run on such an engine. 1885 - Karl Benz built an automobile powered by an Otto gasoline engine. He received a patent in the 1886 for the same. Mr. Benz is generally credited with the invention of the modern automobile.

What was the fastest vehicle in 1988?

still being produced in that year? having ever been produced up to that time? 0-60? top speed? internal combustion engine, or turbine-powered? natural aspiration or forced? street legal or purpose-built? rephrase your question according to the above. Mercedes 560SL answers top speed, street legal, being factory produced at that time, with a naturally aspirated internal combustion engine. still being produced in that year? having ever been produced up to that time? 0-60? top speed? internal combustion engine, or turbine-powered? natural aspiration or forced? street legal or purpose-built? rephrase your question according to the above. Mercedes 560SL answers top speed, street legal, being factory produced at that time, with a naturally aspirated internal combustion engine.

Who invented the engine and in what year?

In 1698, Thomas Savery invented the engine.

Who invented steam engine and in which year?

James Watt invented steam engine & it is invented in 1769

What year did Nicolaus Otto invent the first gasoline powered car?

He didn't invent a car! It was a new type of gasoline internal combustion engine which used a "four-stroke" system that he invented in 1876. Otto first used his engine to drive a motorcycle, not a car. Other people named his new engine system the "Otto Cycle Engine". It works so well that it is still the main engine system that is used worldwide for many different kinds of vehicles.

Why was the combustion engine invented?

A brief outline of the history of the internal combustion engine includes the following highlights: * 1680 - Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens designed (but never built) an internal combustion engine that was to be fueled with gunpowder. * 1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented an internal combustion engine that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Rivaz designed a car for his engine - the first internal combustion powered automobile. However, his was a very unsuccessful design. * 1824 - English engineer, Samuel Brown adapted an old Newcomen steam engine to burn gas, and he used it to briefly power a vehicle up Shooter's Hill in London. * 1858 - Belgian-born engineer, Jean Joseph