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Q: What year was the first computer built?
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What year was the first computer ever built?


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When was the first hp computer built?

The first hp computer built in 1937.

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What year did Steve wozniak design the first apple computer?

Steve Wozniak designed and built the Apple I computer in 1976.

Which year computer invented?

the Z1 was created by Conrad Zuse in 1936, its considered to be the first electro mechanical binary programmable computer

Where was the first computer build at?

The answer depends on how you define a computer. Konrad Zuse built the first electronic computer at Berlin, Germany The first electronic computer in the US was built at Ames, Iowa by John Atanasoff.

What year and during what war was the first computer invented?

the first computers were invented in mid 1930s but nothing was actually built until beginning of ww2.

Do you think that the ENIAC computer was the first computer ever built?


What date was the first computer built?

in 1977

What year was the ATM first built?

It Was Built in 1950

What year was the first mosque built in the US?

The first mosque in the US was built after the first world world war in year and was completed in year 1934.