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No one knows when Nessie was born, only God knows.

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Q: What year was the loch ness monster born in?
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What year did napolen Bonaparte discover the loch ness monster?

He never discovered the Loch Ness Monster.

When was the loch ness monster last seen in the lake?

Every year, just before the tourist season. Loch Ness is a Loch, not a Lake.

What is the loke ness monster?

it is a mythical water beast that lives in loch ness in scotland. stories about the loch ness monster have been dated back to the year 536. also another thing you should know is that other mythes and ledandes have grown off the loch ness monster like the water horse or the kelpie.

What year did the legend loch ness monster begin?

it begun 1500 years ago

How many tourists come to see the Loch Ness Monster each year?

If you believe that there is a monster then many people claim to have seen it, despite there being no convincing evidence that it even exists. If you don't believe in the existence of a monster then obviously nobody can have seen it and they are all either mistaken or liars.If you believe that there is a monster then many people claim to have seen it, despite there being no convincing evidence that it even exists. If you don't believe in the existence of a monster then obviously nobody can have seen it and they are all either mistaken or liars.

Has the loch ness monster ever eaten a person?

Well there isn't really enough information about if the Loch Ness Monster really truly exists are not, but we can only go by what we know like ST. Columbia he apparently stopped the beast from attacking an expecting swimmer when he spoke the words "Go back from the depths of whence you came" he said raising the cross of God. The "creature" turned away from the man and swam back into the cloudy, murky waters. Not many sightings of the loch ness monster have been seen. So no the Loch ness monster has never eaten anyone. Plus every year there is a monster swim in the loch ness bringing many people to swim and there has never been attacks or sightings. I hope this helps you!!!

Why do they call the loch ness monster a monster?

Good question. The answer is because this creature is not proven to be real. For example the gorilla was once called a monster and now even 5 year olds know what apes are.

What are recent events of the Loch Ness monster?

was thought proved fake a year ago but some divers found an underground cave where something BIG lied down in some wet sand and found some like fin prints going out of the cave into the Loch Ness Lake

Where was the lochness monster found?

its been in noreway scotland and iceland its been frozen and a man banish it to walk on land and made it hide in the fresh waters in scotland norway and icaland. the lochness monster lived for 6.5 million years when dinosoars was here. ive seen it but its on scotland river ness and there its been hiding but if its discovered it will move where there are no one looking for it

Is there really a loch ness monster?

ANSWER 1I would love to, but as of yet no real evidence exists that can't be explained as other things.ANSWER 2Yes. Actually i did a project on her. I had to come up with lots of evidence that she is real.ANSWER 3Yes. I believe in her and I think there is a whole family of them down there.

Is the Loch Ness Monster friendly?

Nessie is both good and bad it has a record of both saving and killing people. -L.M.C.

What happened to Nessie?

Last year, scientists placed C-4 under Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. When it rains, Nessie comes down. That's dumb.