

What year was the name changed to netball?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What year was the name changed to netball?
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Related questions

When did basketball become netball?

Netball came from basketball so was originally called basketball but over the years the name has changed just like the rules!

What year did netball come out?

netball was invented in 1895

What year was netball made?

Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.

What was a first netball?

I am guessing 'how did netball begin"... i play netball myself. it originated from basketball but they did not have backboards, just hoops. they changed a few rules and bibs

what netball rules have changed over the years?

yes it has

What is the right name for the netball hoop?

netball ring

What is the name of the Olympic netball team?

Unfortunatley netball isn't in the olympics. x

How high should a netball post be for 11 year old girls?

The netball post for 11 year olds is about 3 metres in Australia.

In what year was netball first played?

1895 :)

What was temepara george's VERY first netball team?

Not sure of the name but she played netball first at the Mangere Town Centre netball courts which is now the Mangere Otahuhu Netball Centre

Is the word netball a proper noun?

No, the noun netball is a common noun, a word for any netball or any netball game.A common noun becomes a proper noun when it is the name of a person, place, thing or a title. For example:Detroit Metro Netball ClubThe Florida Netball Classic tournamentUSA Netball Association

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