

What year where paintings invented?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Since the beginning of time.

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Q: What year where paintings invented?
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Where were cave paintings invented?

In caves.

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He did not discover it - he invented it together with Auguste Renoir.They did their first paintings in this style in 1869.

Who invented caveman paintings?

Nobody invented caveman paintings. Its something that people did ages ago. It just became a hobbie. Anybody can do caveman paintings, but it wont be like the one they did back then.

Who invented the cave paintings?

I belive the Neanderthaler painted these beautiful paintings!but I am ofcourse not sure.mrolsen

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No, 900 paintings in his life.

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Van Jan Eyck invented oil paints to add details to tempra paintings.

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The artist paints only three paintings a year.

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The homo sapiens Stone age people made paintings in their caves.

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