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This has happened various times throughout history. In more recent times, there was an elephant cull due to overpopulation in South Africa in 2006.

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Q: What years did elephants get killed because there was too many of them in the world?
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How many elephants are killed for their tusks?

Hundreds of thousands of elephants have been killed over the past century by trophy hunters and ivory poachers. Approximately 100 years there were 5 to 10 million elephants that roamed the Savannah of Africa and today there are only a few thousand of these magnificent species left in the jungles of Africa.

Do African elephants have 1 baby every two years?

because they are big

How old are most elephants?

Elephants can be any age, they are just like humans they age.There are allways more older elephants in there groups because baby elephants or kid elephants are very playful so there a handful.

Do elephants beat lions?

Over the 4 years, we observed a total of 74 elephants killed by lions, including eleven elephants in 1993, seventeen in 1994, nineteen in 1995, and 27 in 1996, suggesting an increasing hunting success rate. All the elephants killed, with one exception, were from breeding herds (females and young). The exception was an adult bull, previously wounded by another bull, who remained alive for several days before eventually being killed by the lions. The great majority of the young elephants killed were males, and two-thirds of the kills were of elephants in the age range 4-15 years, with highest hunting success achieved for elephants aged 4-9 years (Table 1). The animals killed were commonly on the periphery of, or straggling behind, the breeding herds, with nearly half killed more than 50 m away from the main herd. Hunts were less commonly attempted on calves which were under the age of 4 years, which remained more closely associated with their mothers. Hunting success for elephants older than 4 years apparently doubled from 33% (n = 9) in 1993 to 62% (n = 61) in 1996. Many attempts to kill adults bulls were made in1996, when we saw lions attacking elephant bulls almost nightly although only one hunt was successful. All except one of the kills were made at night, and hunts occurred more commonly on dark moon nights than when the moon was bright

Are elephants an endangered species?

Asian elephants are endangered and African Bush Elephants are vulnerable, but both African forest elephants and African elephants are not, although there has been a large decline in numbers due mainly to poaching.

How do elephants live?

50 years

How many people has electricity killed?

In the last 10 years 100,000,000 people have been killed by electricity in the world

How many African elephants are left in the wild?

Hundreds of thousands of elephants have been killed over the past century by trophy hunters and ivory poachers. Approximately 100 years there were 5 to 10 million elephants that roamed the savannah of Africa and today there are only a few thousand of these magnificent species left in the jungles of Africa.

Is elephant extinct animal?

no elephants are not extinct they are becoming extinct though. About 100 years ago there were about 10 million elephants that walked the earth and now there are only about 500,000 left. They are becoming extinct because we are killing them for their thick beautiful ivory.

What is the average lifespan of a Elephant?

African Elephants average 50-60 years Asian Elephants average 60-70 years

Information about the elephant in different part of world?

Elephants are herbivorous and can be found in different habitat. Elephants may become locally extinct in some parts of Africa within 50 years. They African elephants are the world's largest terrestrial animals. The poaching of these animals is becoming a threat to them since people are engaging in the illegal business of selling their tusks.

How old do elephants get?

Up to 90 years.