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what must be true!!!

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Deduction is a logical reasoning process where you start with general principles or premises and derive specific conclusions based on them. By applying deductive reasoning, you can come to a valid conclusion if the initial statements are true and the logical rules are followed.

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Q: What you use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions?
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What were the advantages and disadvantages of being an indentured servant?

Advantages: Provided passage to the New World, opportunity for land ownership and advancement, chance for a new start in life. Disadvantages: Lack of personal freedom, harsh working conditions, vulnerability to abuse and exploitation by masters.

Why did indentured servants start to leave the plantation?

Indentured servants started to leave plantations for various reasons, such as completing their term of service, seeking better opportunities elsewhere, facing mistreatment and harsh conditions on the plantation, or choosing to escape to gain freedom. Some also found ways to secure their own land and start their own farms after completing their contracts.

How do you culture rotifer?

To culture rotifers, you can start by setting up a container with clean saltwater and adding a food source like algae. Introduce rotifer starter culture and maintain suitable conditions like temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels. Regularly feed the rotifers and perform water changes to keep the culture healthy and productive.

How many people start on the field at the start of a cricket match?

In cricket, there are 11 players from each team on the field at the start of a match. This includes fielders, a bowler, and a wicketkeeper.

How do you write a class party composition?

To write a class party composition, you can start by including details such as the theme of the party, date, time, and location. Then, list the activities or games that will be part of the party, along with any rules or guidelines. You can also mention any food or drinks that will be served and if there are any dress code requirements or suggested attire. Lastly, be sure to include any other important information or announcements related to the party.

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What can you determine when you use deduction and start and start from a given set of rules and conditions?

What must be true

What can you determine when you use deduction start from a given set of rules and conditions?

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Can you determine when can you use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions?

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What can you determine when use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions?

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What can you determine when you use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions?

what may be false

What reasoning you using when you start from a given set of rules and conditions and determine?

Deductive reasoning

When you start from a given set of rules and conditions and conditions and determine what must be true you are using reasoning?

This is called deductive reasoning.

In deductive reasoning you start from a set of rules and conditions to determine what must be true.?

given - apex :)

When you start from the given set of rules and conditions and determine what must be true you are using what reasoning?


When you start from a given set of rules and conditions and determine what must be true what are you using?

You are using deductive logic.

What are you using when you start from a given set of rules and conditions and determine what must be true?

You are using deductive logic.

When you start from a given set rules conditions and determine what must be true you are using reasoning?
