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Q: What zone does the flamefish live in sunlit abyss dark or twilight?
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How is the oceans temp different?

At the top of the ocean, or Sunlit, It is warmer because the top of the ocean the sun is closer then it is to the twilight,dark,abyss, and trenches zone. At the bottom of the ocean, or Trenches, It is colder because the sun can not reach that low in the ocean better then it can the Sunlit zone.

What is an abyss of death?

an abyss of death is a deep dark place where people get sent to too die.

When was Dark Twilight created?

Dark Twilight was created in 1991.

Do dolphins live in the sunlit zone the twilight zone the sunless zone or the dark zone?

They spend almost all of their time there, some dolphins spend their lives in 7 feet of water. The deepest dive by a dolphin was done by a dolphin named Tuffy, who was trained by the U.S. Navy and dived 990 feet (300 meters). The sunlit zone ends after 656 feet (200 meters). Overall, dolphins can dive deep, but rarely do.

When was Twilight of the Dark Master created?

Twilight of the Dark Master was created in 1997.

How the moon appearances changes during the month?

When the moon is bright, the sunlit part of the moon that we can see is getting larger. When the moon is dark the sunlit part of the moon that we see is getting smaller.

What is the duration of Twilight of the Dark Master?

The duration of Twilight of the Dark Master is 2700.0 seconds.

What is the averege temperature on Mercury?

−183 °C on the dark side, to 427 °C on the sunlit side.

Is period twilight dark?

its dusk not dark

What is in world abyss?

Tartarus, or the deepest level of hell, is located under the Euphrates River beneath Ancient Babylon.

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laurant is also dark in the book

Why anglerfish have to live in the abyss?

it needs a very dark place to light it up and attract preys for it to eat...