

Best Answer

Bypass surgery let's you lose weight faster. It is a proven weight loss solution that eliminates temptation.That will help you feel full faster so you don�۪t eat too much

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Q: What's some information about diabetes and gastric bypass surgery?
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Where can I learn more about diabetes and gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery can help diabetes go away. It makes you lose weight by limiting the amount of food your body intakes. Check out this site for more information.

Where can I go to get information for what to do before getting a gastric bypass surgery?

You can get information about what to do before getting a gastric bypass surgery from a local gastric bypass surgerical center. Ask them about information about this.

Where is there information on the Internet about dieting after gastric bypass surgery?

You can find information about dieting after gastric bypass surgery here: and

What are the dangers of getting gastric bypass surgery when having diabetes?

Having diabetes and getting gastric bypass surgery is no more risky than someone who doesn't have diabetes. The only additional risk is the aftercare of the surgery. Diet will have to be strictly monitored. Gastric bypass is good for diabetes patients. It is a proven way to help reverse type 2 diabetes.

Can i have gastric bypass surgery if I have diabetes?

Yes, you can have the gastric surgery while having diabetes. If you have gastric surgery while having diabetes, it can actually help to eliminate or cure diabetes. It is up to the patient/person though to decide whether or not they want to have the surgery.

What do i need to know about gastric bypass surgery and diabetes?

Diabetes affects your options for weight loss as well as surgery. Consider your own health as well as whether your doctor recommends the gastric bypass surgery. You can obtain information about the way these two medical conditions interact online or from your physician.

Where can i find information on the gastric band vs the gastric bypass?

You can find out information about the gastric band versus the gastric bypass surgery on or

Where can I find information on gastric bypass surgery online?

You can go to and click gastric bypass surgery to read more information on the topic.

Will gastric bypass cure my diabetes completely?

Gastric Bypass is not a cure for diabetes however in many cases this surgery has help reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes before the surgery takes place due to proper diet. Often Gastric Bypass does stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin natrually.

Can I have gastric bypass if I have diabetes?

Yes many cases have shown that when people with diabetes have the gastric bypass surgery it makes their pancreas produce more insulin natrully treating the diabetes but not always curing it.

Where can I find out more about gastric bypass surgery insurance?

Gastric bypass surgery inruance information can be obtained from your local doctor, pysichian, or even your gastric bypass representative to help you.

Where can I go to get information for requirements for a gastric bypass surgery?

Mayoclinic offers a lot of credible information on gastric bypass surgery. Also, at the site listed below you can find information specifically n the symptoms experienced by those who have gastric intestinal disorders or who have had gastric bypass surgery.