

What's the best mascara for a redhead?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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Redheads should use a brown shade that leans toward auburn, or a dark blonde shade of mascara. Redheads can also choose a colored mascara to match the eyes, if they're feeling daring.

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Q: What's the best mascara for a redhead?
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What is best mascara?

There is no one "best" mascara, as different people have different preferences. Some people may prefer a waterproof mascara, while others may prefer a volumizing mascara. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which type of mascara works best for them

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There are several mascaras with great ratings. The most commonly talked about mascara that has the best rating would be from Clinique High Impact Waterproof mascara.

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Waterproof mascara is different from regular mascara. Waterproof mascara is made so that if your face gets wet, it won't run as easily. So if you want to go swimming, will be crying a lot, or be in the rain your best bet is to go with waterproof mascara.

What is the best covergirl mascara?

That's really up to you. If you have long eye lashes you may like a mascara that adds volume like the lashblast volume blasting mascara or the volumeexact mascara. But if you have short lashes you may like a mascara that adds length like the Lashblast Length mascara or the Lashexact mascara. And of course they all come in a waterproof version.

Is waterproof mascara waterproof?

The truth is, not all waterproof mascaras are effective. The best and most effective ones would probably be GreatLash Waterproof mascara, and on the more high-end side, YSL mascara. Hope this helped!

Who is the redhead in picture to burn Taylor Swift?

The redhead in picture 2 burn and fifteen is her best friend abbigal or abbi.In the video fifteen she say "im sitting next 2 a redhead named abbigal".

Can you put mascara on fake eyelashes or will it ruin them I need them to last a week?

You can put mascara on fake eyelashes without ruining them. If you need them to last a week, it is best to not use any mascara at all.

What is the best makeup product with good mascara ?

You do not use mascara for your skin. It's used for your eyelashes. You can purchase mascara in any store that sells your favorite makeup. Good luck, I hope I answered your question.

Why is mascara the best?

Many people think that mascara is the best make-up option because in one small step you can make your eyes look more open and you look more awake. The single step of applying mascara can make a big difference to your overall look.

You have light red hair so what is the best eyeshadow shade for you?

A shimmery gold tone is best for you. It will complement the red in your hair and bring out your eyes. Finish your eyeshadow with brown eyeliner and mascara. Brown mascara/liner looks better on redheads than black mascara/liner does.

What is the best drugstore mascaras?

Defnitely Maybelline Turbo Boost Waterproof Mascara. I have used mascaras that cost up to $50, and this is still the best!