

What's the difference between a jacket and coat?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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10y ago

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A jacket is a lightweight outer garment. A coat is a bit heavier and longer for the winter months.

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Difference between a suit coat and a sports coat is that a suit coat is part of a suit and a sport coat is sold separately and is worn with a variety of bottoms. The suit coat is usually worn with the trousers that match it, as a suit.

What would the difference between a coat and a jacket be?

A coat tends to be heavier and bulkier than a jacket thus used during the winter months. In formal settings, a jacket is typically seen as more upscale than a coat, which is usually part of a suit.

Is a jacket a coat?

Well they are somewhat different a jacket is a more thin material a coat is more of a raincoat or a thick material jacket is a coat

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The homograph for a layer of paint and a heavy jacket is "coat."

On millsberry how do change out of a jacket?

click on 'COSTOMIZE BUDDY' then (if you have more than one jacket) keep searching from 'Coat/Jacket' un until it says under your buddy, 'Coat/Jacket set to No Jacket.' Voila.

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coat lol coat

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What kind of coat, like the clothing? jacket, fleece? or a coat of paint? layer, cover, glaze or like the coat of a horse? hide, skin

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the leather jacket is a warm fuzzy coat

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What is the difference between stress coat and stress coat plus?

The latter is more effective.

Should you wear a leather jacket or a trench coat?

Wear leather jacket is better than compare to trench coat. Leather jacket is much safe.

What is the deference between a sweatshirt and a jacket coat?

Well james leese has a brand new coat and he lives it dearly and will do anything to protect it, and he uses it for a sleeping bag.