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The geometrical parameters like volume,shape, and cross section.

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Q: Whats the factors that would minimize the splash when a solid object is dropped into water from a height of 50m?
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Why does an object dropped from a certain height have more than twice the speed of an object dropped from half the height of the previous object?

Because they undergo an acceleration. Free fall velocity is the function of a square.

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If both objects have similar air resistance factors, they will both hit the ground together.

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It's not possible to calculate the answer with the information given.An object with a mass of 15 kg can be dropped from a building of any height.

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That is called gravity.

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If an object is dropped from rest at a height of 128 m, the distance it falls during its final second in the air is still 128 m.

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4 seconds

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Height above the ground, and mass of the object itself.

What happens to the object's potential energy when it is dropped?

When an object is dropped, its potential energy decreases. This is because potential energy is a result of an object's position or height above the ground. As the object falls, it loses height, which leads to a decrease in potential energy. At the same time, the object gains kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.

How could you determine if it will take the same time for the lighter and heavier object to reach the ground when dropped at the same height in the same time?

drop a heavy object and a light object from the same height at the same time. time it with a stopwatch, or just watch them.

What are two factors that determine an object's gravitational potential energy?

-- the object's mass -- its height above some reference level