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Valves in the peripheral veins prevent blood from backflow during the off beat of the heart. If not for the valves, the flow of blood would tend to pool at the extremities.

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Q: Whats the function of valves in the peripheral veins?
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What is it called when the valves of the veins do not function?

I do not no

What is the vessel with valves that carry blood from the peripheral tissues to the heart?

Veins carry blood from the tissues to the heart.

What is the function of the valves in the veins for?

To reduce pooling due to gravity.

What is the function of valves in the heart and the veins?

I don't know what it is. I'm sorry :(

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Does blood capallaries have valves?

peripheral veins have valves to help get the blood back up to the heart but arteries do not because they have enough pressure from the pumping of the heart to get the blood out to the body.

What is the function of valves int the heart and the veins?

The valves stop the blood flowing backwards through the circulatory system.

The function of valves in the veins?

The valves help the blood to go in one direction against gravity up towards the heart and prevent it from reluxing down. In case these valves malfunction varicose veins occur.

Which vessels transport blood toward the heart and have valves?

The venous system, or "veins" are responsible for bringing blood back from your peripheral body to the right side of the heart, where it is sent to the lungs for reoxygenation. Veins have one way valves that function to maintain a stable pressure in the venous system, while increasing the efficiency of the heart by preventing backflow of blood in between ventricular beats.

What is the function of the valves in veins in the leg?

The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..

What is the function of the valves in veins in legs?

The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..

What is the function of the valves in the veins in the leg?

The valves help to prevent blood from seeping backwards. They provide a one way valve. When valves begin to fail blood may become stagnant and cause unsightly varicose veins - usually in the legs..