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Move (or change direction/speed if it was already moving).

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Michael Scalise

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Q: When an object is acted on by unbalanced forces, the object will?
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What happens to an object that is acted upon by a unbalanced forces?

the forces move

What happens when an unbalanced force acts on an objects?

as stated in newtons second law of motion- an object acted upon by an unbalanced force will accelerate in the direction of that force

What changes when an unbalanced force acts upon an object?

There's no such thing as "an unbalanced force". When the entire group of forces acting on an object is unbalanced, the object accelerates, in the direction of the vector sum of the forces.

Use unbalanced forces in a sentence?

Unbalanced forces are forces acting on an object that do not nullify one another, therefore resulting in a change in motion. An example of a sentence using the term "unbalanced forces" is "Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by unbalanced forces. "

How do unbalanced forces effect an objects motion?

If the [group of] forces on an object is unbalanced, the object accelerates.

What occurs in an objects position when acted on by an unbalanced force?

First of all, there's no such thing as an unbalanced force. A group of forces maybe balanced or unbalanced, but the forces themselves aren't.An unbalanced group of forces acting on an object causes the object's velocityto change. That means the speed or direction of its motion changes. It doesn'ttell you anything about the object's position. In order to figure that out, you'dhave to know what its speed and direction were before the unbalanced groupof forces began acting on it, and you'd also need to know the object's mass.

Compare how balanced and unbalanced forces affect an object at rest?

balanced forces don't move an object, but unbalanced forces on an object do move

When acted upon an unbalenced force an object at rest will do what?

When unbalanced forces act on an object at rest, the object will move. In the two examples mentioned earlier, the net force on the object is greater than zero. Unbalanced forces produced change in motion (acceleration) and the receivers of the forces - the piano and the rope -

What will an object always do when acted on by an unbalanced force?

There's no such thing as "an unbalanced force". But when the entire group of forceson an object is unbalanced, then the object must accelerate.

How do balanced forces and unbalanced forces differ?

* Balanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is zero. The object does not accelerate.* Unbalanced: The vector sum of all forces on an object is NOT zero, the object DOES accelerate.

A moving object that is not acted on by an unbalanced force will what?


Will an object move if it has unbalanced force on it?

-- An object may be in motion even without any forces on it.-- An object will accelerate if the forces on it are unbalanced.