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People were debating whether or not it was a good idea because slaves could have taken jobs white people thought they needed, but theres more to it than that

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Q: When Abraham lincolhn say the emancipation proclamation?
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Who was the President in 1863 in America?

Abraham Lincoln. Of course, you could technically also say that Jefferson Davis was also president at that time (of the Confederacy).

Which battle made Abraham Lincoln say that he would end slavery in south if the war continued?


What did the harshest British critics say about the Emancipation Proclamation of US President Lincoln?

Many British critics did not approve of the Emancipation Proclamation. They did not feel it was a good idea.

When did the Union say the slaves in the Confederacy officially freed?

As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation

What does the emancipation proclamation say the executive government including military will do?

to free all slaves

Did Lincoln say the emancipation proclamation in Washington dc?

Lincoln signed the proclamation while he was in Washington, yes. Even though it was called a "proclamation", Lincoln himself did not have to read it out loud.

What did licon say he was doing with the emancipation proclamation?

Freeing all slaves in the states fighting against the union

What event does Louis M Seidman say was a direct violation of the US Constitution A Fort Sumter's attack B the Emancipation Proclamation C the first president's election D building the Hoover Dam?

The Louisiana Purchase or emancipation proclamation

Why was Abraham Lincoln called the Great Emancipator?

yes, my civics teacher told me. he's known as the great emancipator. Lincoln, during the Civil war, was politically for slavery, but not morally. He only did this because he felt it would improve people's opinions about him, making it easier for him to maneuver throughout the battlefield without the public questioning him. Although he did state he had slaves, he treated them as family members and respected them. He eventually released the Emancipation Proclamation Act, which released all slaves in all states. Unfortunately, he did not control every state and slaves in the uncontrolled states were still held by the South.

What does Lincoln say both sides had in common?

Neither expected the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation before the war ended.

What day did Abraham Lincoln say that slavery was over?

January 1, 1863 was the day the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Lincoln, stating the slaves were free. The 13th Amendment, added to the US Constitution in 1865, would actually give the force of law to the freedom for the slaves that Lincolns document put forth.

What did the London Times newspaper say about the Emancipation Proclamation?

In London, the newspaper, Times, was sarcastic about the first issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. It correctly pointed out that the slaves not under the control of US President Lincoln could not be freed, while the slaves within the Union remained slaves.