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Q: When All sentences in the paragraph work together to support the details?
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Each sentence in a paragraph should support what?

Each sentence in a paragraph should support the main idea or topic sentence of that paragraph. The supporting sentences provide details, explanations, examples, or evidence that further develop the main point or thesis statement. Together, these sentences work together to convey a coherent and cohesive message to the reader.

Sentences in a paragraph should the topic sentence?


What should sentences in a body paragraph do?

Support the topic sentence

What should the sentences in body paragraph do?

Support the topic sentence

Can you give me a sentence for the word paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of sentences that support a main point. Read the next paragraph aloud.

What should the sentences in a body paragraph do?

support the topic sentence

How do you find supporting details in a paragraph?

Find the main idea of the paragraph and the look for the details that support the main idea. A good way to do this is to underline the main idea and then circle the details as you read the paragraph.

When revising a draft what should you do if you find details in a paragraph that do not support its topic sentence?

Revise the details to support the topic sentence

Which part of the writing process includes examining the quality of the support sentences in a paragraph?


When all the sentences in a paragraph support the topic sentence it is said to have what?


What is the definitions of support sentence?

Supporting sentences are called "supporting" because they "support," or explain, the idea expressed in the topic sentence. Of course, paragraphs in English often have more than two supporting ideas.

What is a purpose of a body paragraph?

To provide details to support the essay's main idea