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Q: When Ammonium Hydroxide excess is added to ferrous sulphate?
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Why do the solution of the white precipitate of Zinc hydroxide dissolve in excess of Ammonium hydroxide?

Ammonium hydroxide dissolves anything that is less strong than itself. The white precipitate of zinc hydroxide is not the whole component. Therefore, it is not as strong.

Name a salt which gives white precipitate on ammonium hydroxide solution and is insoluble in excess?

One such salt would be aluminum chloride since it is soluble but when reacted with ammonium hydroxide, the insoluble aluminum hydroxide forms a precipitate. Not sure what is meant by "is insoluble in excess", however.

How do you Convert ammonium nitrate to anhydrous ammonia?

since ammonium nitrate decomposes on heating so ammonium nitrate is covered with excess of calcium hydroxide with some water and then heated to get ammonia

How to tranform cupric sulfate to cupric hydroxide?

Put drops of Sodium, Potassium, or Ammonium Hydroxide in it. The Cupric hydroxide will precipitate out in blue colour. Dont put excess hydroxide or there will be a formation of another intense blue complex compound

What happens when EDTA is added to a solution of ammonia and copper sulphate?

The water soluble copper sulfate produces Cu(II) ions in solution. The soluble ammonium hydroxide produces ammonium ions and hydroxide ions in solution in equilibrium with ammonia and water. NH4OH(aq) ↔ NH3(aq) + H2O(l) The ammonia molecules react with the cooper ion to produce a complex ion of Cu(II) coordinated with four ammonia molecules. Cu2+(aq) + 4 NH3(aq) → [Cu(NH3)4]2+(aq) That complex ion in turn associates with a water molecule and the sulfate ion resulting in the products of the overall reaction. CuSO4(aq) + 4 NH4OH(aq) → Cu(NH3)4SO4H2O(s) + 3 H2O(l)

What happens when excess hydroxide solution is added to copper II sulphate solution?

it fizzes up like poo and wee in ur body when people say ur sexy and ur nipples r great this is said when hydroxide solution is added to copper II sulphate solution

When excess of ammonia is added to aqueous zinc sulfate does the precipitate dissolve?

Yes. The ammonia will form ammonium hydroxide. The ammonium cation (NH4+) will react with SO4^2- to form the soluble salt ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4. According to Le Chatelier's Principle, this will push the reaction to the right, thus forming more ammonium sulfate from the insoluble zinc sulfate.

What is principle of potassium dichromate in COD estimation?

The titer volume of the sample gives the volume of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate required to react with the excess potassium dichromate in the solution. Similarly, the titer volume for the blank (distilled water) gives the volume of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate required to react with the excess potassium dichromate in the blank. The equation for the titration can be expressed as: Cr2O72 -- + FeSO4 (NH4)2SO4 = Cr+ + NH4+ + Fe 3+ From above equation it can be seen that one molecule of dichromate corresponds to one molecule of Mohr's salt. Thus, the difference in volume of excess K2Cr2O7 reacting with Mohr's solution can be calculated from the expression: = (Original vol. K2Cr2O7 -- vol. of K2Cr2O7 used for oxidation) solution - (Original vol. K2Cr2O7 -- vol. of K2Cr2O7 used for oxidation) blank = (Vol. of K2Cr2O7 used for oxidation) blank - Vol. of K2Cr2O7 used for oxidation) solution Hence, the difference in the titer volume for the solution and the blank is used to find out the Chemical Oxygen Demand directly.

What is the effect of excess of sulphate ions in drinking water?

excess of sulphate ions can be a problem for those who are not used to it. it acts in a small amount in human beings.

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Aluminum sulfate reacts with ammonium hydroxide to form what?

it forms a white precipitate ; Al(OH)3 and ammonium sulfate with additional excess NH4OH,still white ppt wont dissolve this means Aluminum dont make a complex with ammonia