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Q: When An igneous rock that contains mostly plugholes feldspar and about W percent dark silicates minerals has a composition that is?
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What igneous rock contains mostly plagioclase feldspar and about 30 percent dark silicates?

A Diorite.

What mineral group is orthoclase feldspar in?


Are you more likely to find the silicates feldspar and quartz of the non-silicates copper and iron in the Earth's crust?

yes you could only find feldspar

To which mineral group does orthoclase feldspar belong?

Orothoclase Feldspar belong to the silicates group.

Name three examples of silicates?

quarts, feldspar and mica

What is a kind of rock containing aluminum's silicates and other minerals?


Fieldspar amd mica are examples of mineral?

Both feldspar and mica are silicates.

Are feldspar and quartz carbonates?

Feldspar and quartz are not carbonates (carbonate minerals). They are silicates because they have Silica (Si) in the formula. Quartz is SiO2. Feldspar is a mineral group (feldspars) They have a variable composition that gneerally depends on the amount of Ca, Na or K in their chemical formula. An example of feldspar is Albite NaAlSi3O8. Carbonates have CO3 in their chemical formula. Two examples are Calcite (CaCO3) and Siderite (FeCO3).

Do Granite and Gabbro have the same chemical composition?

No. Gabbro is a mafic rock (magnesium and iron silicates) while granite is a felsic rock (referring to lighter elements such as potassium in feldspar). Felsic rock contains fewer heavy elements than mafic rocks. The chemical equivalent to gabbro is basalt, as both are mainly pyroxene and plagioclase feldspar. The difference is that gabbro is intrusive rock and basalt is extrusive.

What type of composition does an igneous rock have that contains mostly plagioclase feldspar and about 30 percent dark silicate minerals?


What rock contains aluminum silicates and other minerals?

Bauxite is the main source of aluminum. Albite is a feldspar mineral and is a sodium aluminum silicate All rocks contain other minerals.

What sandstone contains abundant feldspar?

Arkose sandstone contains abundant feldspar.