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Q: When Compounds have an affinity for water are said to be?
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Why does the oxidation of organic compounds by molecular oxygen to produce CO2 and water release free energy?

The oxidation of organic compounds by molecular oxygen releases free energy because the bonds in the organic compounds are more stable than the bonds in the products (CO2 and water). When the organic compounds are oxidized, new bonds are formed and energy is released in the process. This energy is made available for cellular processes such as ATP production.

What type of compounds can dissolve in water?

Polar compounds, such as salts and sugars, dissolve in water because water is a polar molecule. Nonpolar compounds, such as oils and fats, do not dissolve in water because they are not attracted to the polar water molecules.

What is hydropholic?

There is no scientific term "hydropholic." It may be a misspelling of "hydrophilic," which means having an affinity for water. Hydrophilic substances tend to be soluble in water or have an ability to attract and interact with water molecules.

What properties does water have as a result of being a Polar molecule?

Water being polar have the ability to dissolve other polar compounds(like dissolves like).Most polar compounds dissolve only in water. Since water is a polar compound,its H atom forms weak hydrogen bonds with other more electronegative atoms and this is the cause of dissolution of many compounds in water.

What happens to the nitrogen compounds that are not absorb by the plants?

A number microbes in the soil, water and air transform these nitrogen compounds

Related questions

Compounds that hold water?

Compounds that hold water include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides. These compounds have the ability to attract and retain water molecules, helping to hydrate and plump the skin. They are commonly used in skincare products for their moisturizing properties.

Compounds having an affinity for water are said to be?

Chemical affinity can refer to the tendency of an atom or compound to combine by chemical reaction with atoms or compounds of unlike composition. Example, sodium and chlorine, NaCl (table salt) Substances that have an affinity for water are hydrophilic, those that seem to repel water are hydrophobic Google hydrophilic substances and you will probably get a decent answer

What does the suffix Phil mean?

Having an affinity for. The opposite of "phobe." Hydrophils are water loving compounds. Whereas hyrophobes do not like water.

Which interactions and processes contribute to the dissolution of ionic compounds in water?

The process of providing energy to break ionic bonds and allow soluble ionic compounds to dissolve in water?

Having an affinity for water?

Hydrophobic means to have an affinity for water.

What does hydrophilic nature mean?

Hydrophilic : Having an affinity for water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water. Water-loving.Common examples of hydrophilic compounds include salt and sugar.Oil, however, will not dissolve in water, because it is hydrophobic, or water-hating.It means water loving type. Hydrphilic means having affinity for water. This would he something that dissolves in or mixes well with water.

Why does the oxidation of organic compounds by molecular oxygen to produce CO2 and water release free energy?

The oxidation of organic compounds by molecular oxygen releases free energy because the bonds in the organic compounds are more stable than the bonds in the products (CO2 and water). When the organic compounds are oxidized, new bonds are formed and energy is released in the process. This energy is made available for cellular processes such as ATP production.

How do detergents act as cleaning agents?

Detergents act as cleaning agents by lowering the surface tension of water, making it easier to remove dirt and grease from surfaces. The hydrophobic (water-repelling) end of the detergent binds to dirt and oil, while the hydrophilic (water-attracting) end allows them to be washed away with water. This helps to emulsify and disperse soils, allowing them to be rinsed away.

What are compounds that contain carbon said to be?

They are said to be "organic" compounds.

The term hydrophilic means?

Hydrophilic means loving water, or having a close affinity to it.

What sentence can you make with the word affinity?

The Turkish Van breed of cat is known to have an affinity for water.

What is hydrophobic and hydrophyilic?

the definition for hydrophobic is having little or no affinity for water. the definition for hydrophilic is having a strong affinity for water. All those compounds which have polar chemical structure possess affinity to water or can dissolve in water like alcohol, and those with non-polar structure are hydrophobic and cant dissolve in water like fat, oils etc.