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A number microbes in the soil, water and air transform these nitrogen compounds

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Jamir Kuhn

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1mo ago

Excess nitrogen compounds not absorbed by plants can leach into the soil and eventually into water bodies, causing water pollution and eutrophication. They can also contribute to air pollution when they are released as gases into the atmosphere.

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13y ago

it dies

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Q: What happens to the nitrogen compounds that are not absorb by the plants?
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Can plants absorb nitrogen compounds from soil on their own?

Yes, plants can absorb nitrogen compounds like nitrates and ammonium from the soil through their root systems. This process is essential for their growth and development as nitrogen is a crucial element for plant nutrition and the production of proteins.

Plants use nitrogen to make?

Many compounds in plants include Nitrogen including Proteins and DNA. Note, most plants can not use atmospheric Nitrogen (N2), and must absorb nitrogen that is bonded to hydrogen or carbon such as Ammonia (NH3).

Two ways by which plants get nitrogen compounds?

Plants obtain nitrogen compounds through the uptake of nitrate and ammonium ions from the soil through their root systems. Additionally, some plants have symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the plants.

When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants can obtain nitrogen from the soil through their roots. They form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Additionally, decaying organic matter in the soil releases nitrogen that plants can absorb.

How does nitrogen enter a food web?

Nitrogen enters a food web through the process of nitrogen fixation, where certain bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb. Plants then take up this nitrogen through their roots, and it is passed through the food web as animals consume plants and other animals. When organisms die and decompose, nitrogen is released back into the soil for plants to utilize again.

What is an example of the nitrogen cycle?

An example of the nitrogen cycle is when nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted by bacteria into a form that plants can absorb from the soil. Plants then use this nitrogen to grow. When plants and animals die, decomposers break down their organic matter, releasing nitrogen back into the soil for plants to use again.

What is the name of the nitrogen containing salts which plants absorb from the soil?

plants absorb amonnia or nitrate

Describe the path of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plant proteins?

Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted by nitrogen-fixing bacteria into a form that plants can absorb, such as ammonium or nitrate. Plants take up these nitrogen compounds from the soil through their roots and incorporate them into proteins. When animals eat plants, they obtain nitrogen from plant proteins, continuing the cycle.

What plants absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere?


How do most plants take up nitrogen?

plants take in nitrogen compounds through their roots.

Where does plants get nitrogen?

Plants get nitrogen primarily from the soil, where it is absorbed by the plant's roots either in the form of nitrate ions (NO3-) or ammonium ions (NH4+). These nitrogen compounds are either naturally present in the soil or added through fertilizers. Some plants, like legumes, also have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant.

Nitrogen utilized by most plants is derived from?

The nitrogen that most plants utilize is derived from the soil as nitrates or ammonium. Plants absorb these forms of nitrogen through their roots and use them to create proteins and other essential compounds for growth and development. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil also play a vital role in converting atmospheric nitrogen into forms that plants can use.