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Q: When Creon enters bearing haimon's body what does he mean when he refers to all my civic wisdom?
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Why is wisdom referred to as a she in the bible?

Wisdom is referred to as a she in the Bible because it refers to the population of a nation and can multiply.

Is wisdom a verb?

No, wisdom is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to the ability to make sound judgments and decisions based on knowledge and experience.

When will I make bowel movement after widom teeth removed?

Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.

What does word bedragoned mean?

The word bedragoned refers to the words of wisdom.

What is the concrete word for the word wisdom?

The concrete word for wisdom is knowledge. Wisdom refers to the ability to apply knowledge and experience to make good decisions or judgments.

Wisdom is abstract noun?

wisdom is an abstract noun

Is wisdom a common noun?

Yes, wisdom is a common noun as it refers to a general quality or attribute possessed by individuals.

What is the meaning of la sagesse in French?

"La sagesse" in French translates to "wisdom" in English. It refers to the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

What is oposite word of wisdom?

The opposite word of wisdom is typically considered to be folly or foolishness. It refers to the lack of good judgment, sound decision-making, or the ability to discern what is right or true.

What kind of noun is wisdom?

The noun 'wisdom' is a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

What is 'wisdom' in Latin?

The Latin word for 'wisdom' is Sapientia. It's a feminine gender noun. It may be translated as 'wisdom, prudence, good sense, discernment'. In the ancient, classical Latin language of the ancient Romans, it particularly refers to proficiency in the departments of knowledge, such as philosophy or science.