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He now sees that his father was right, since he felt like he was being punished for being disobedient.

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Crusoe comes to understand the wisdom and value of his father's words as he learns to survive and thrive on the deserted island. He realizes the importance of hard work, perseverance, and self-reliance, which were qualities his father had instilled in him before he left. Crusoe learns the significance of his father's advice in helping him cope with the challenges of being alone on the island.

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Q: When Crusoe is deserted on the island what does he come to understand about his father's words to him before he leftthing?
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Describe the main characters in the story Robinson Crusoe?

The main character in the story Robinson Crusoe is Robinson Crusoe himself, a young Englishman who got stranded on a deserted island. Other notable characters include Friday, a native man whom Crusoe rescues and befriends, and Crusoe's dog, which provides companionship during his solitary existence on the island.

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